Profit and Cost Optimization
The contemporary business environment is constantly changing. Companies from around the world have become more cautious, yet aggressive at the same time. New technologies and political alliances also cause significant changes to how the business is done. Thus, a contemporary business can never be sure of the sustainability of its revenues and costs.
Our approach represents a combination of rigorous analysis (e.g. best-in-class benchmarking), deep industry and functional expertise, and joint problem solving with client management to develop the solutions that make practical sense.
We work with clients on:
Productivity improvements. Lean management, TOP, JIT, TCO, 6 Sigma and many other techniques are within the MCG toolkit for cost cutting. Our team will deploy various techniques to deliver significant cost cutting results with immediately visible effects. Typically, we aim at 10% cost cutting within 3 months after the project and 20-25% cost cutting within 12 months after the project. And, of course, we will pay attention to delivering sustainable results and teach your employees to deploy the tools we use during the project.
Revenues diversification. MCG will assess all the adjacent segments suitable for the clients’ revenues growth. We will assess capital and other resources requirements, time to market, key risks and ways for their mitigation. Through in-depth interviews with industry experts we will collect and prioritize the most effective ways to optimize diverse revenues streams suitable for the client.
Revenues growth from current products. Through extensive market research and internal information analysis, MCG will evaluate your current production and sales performance, as well as assess the sustainability of your real competitive advantages. After that, together with the client management team, the potential and capital requirements for current product portfolio sales growth will be measured.