
About MCG

How we work
How we work

How we work

Our recommendations are based on deep understanding of business needs and custom-tailored to each client. Quality and feasibility assurance is provided by MCG partners.

We are not limited only to MCG internal experience and expertise. Our unique business model allows us to blend management consulting skills, hands-on industry expertise and functional knowledge, including such substandard for management consulting competences as big data analytics, client expertise management, industrial and service design and software development.

Our goal is to implement the best possible strategic solutions to contemporary business realities. We actively use innovations, digital technologies and creative thinking practices to develop perspective and implementable solutions specifically tailored for clients’ needs.

Moscow Consulting Group is one of the leading management consulting firms in Russian and CIS markets. Our key firm’s values are:

Development of custom-tailored solutions, adapted to external realities and internal capabilities. Our clients always get detailed, usable and practical recommendations, approved by all stakeholders.
Usage of applicable innovative technologies (e.g. business processes digitalization and organizational digital transformation. We are constantly striving to improve our skills and knowledge in digital technologies in order to provide our clients with top-notch competitive solutions.
Constant evolution and expansion of our industry and functional experts network. Due to our extensive experience at experts’ cooperation and smooth business processes our projects teams get access to the most actual knowledge and critical thinking across all economic sectors.
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