We conducted the Russian market strategy review for an international producer of baby food
An international corporation, one of the leading producers in the baby food sector, has been present in the Russian market for the last several years. However, its sales volume and market share within the Russia has not been growing. Despite the company being a leading presence in other key markets, growth strategies for the Russian market have been rather opportunistic and did not allow for a positive margin and target sales volumes.
The MCG's project team assisted the CEO of the Russian office in developing a new strategy for the company work in the Russian market. This strategy was based on an innovative approach to identifying the points of growth and a preliminary testing of consumer segments prior to a full-scale expansion. The new, client-oriented growth model developed by the MCG team focused on active product portfolio management, development of distribution channels, elevating brand positioning, creation of consumer demand, and geographical expansion. The growth strategy also accommodated a significant cost cutting program and organizational structure optimization in order to achieve maximum financial results in the shortest amount of time possible.
Project Results: As a result of project execution, the Russian office CEO successfully defended the new growth strategy and received the support for the implementation of the strategy and increased investment target for the Russian market from senior management in the global headquarters