We developed an investment memorandum supported by a robust financial model for consumer loans financial group
An established financial group was looking for the next round of investments to support business growth. The consumer loans company had been on the market for over 24 months and had gathered a large database of payment history. The company needed (1) a robust financial model to forecast IRR and profitability, (2) a professionally prepared investment memorandum to initiate meetings with international investors.
First, MCG project team segmented products and clients. Next, the consultants worked on a financial model which could predict consumer behavior based on historical loan portfolio behavior. Finally, the model was adapted to reflect macroeconomic and socio-demographic factors.
The consultants also prepared a market overview for the consumer loans segment to predict market demand and potential industry risks.
Project results: The financial model was capable of forecasting future returns and consumer behavior with 10% precision. Additionally the team ran a sensitivity analysis to highlight the key success factors for the business model. The investment memorandum was prepared, and the Client was ready for meetings with potential investors.