Post Merger Integration
Company mergers are a double-edge sword. Increase in revenues and market share does not necessarily mean proportional growth in company’s value. Prior to the merged entities becoming a united company, a lot of effort is required.
We work with clients on:
100 days PMO programs. Prior to Day-1 of merger announcement, MCG is ready to develop a detailed actionable plan for the first quarter of post-merger process. Together with the PMO team, we will identify the key initiatives and efforts required within each business function. Next, we will support the PMO team at development of controlling plans and communication materials. Finally, our recommendations will be on PMO team composition.
Detailed post-merger integration programs for selected business functions. In real life, some of PMO’s efforts are more important than others, and a merger could bring results without full-size integration completion. MCG will evaluate the PMO program plans and help the Client’s team to find most important ones for the given merger’s functions. Next, MCG will develop a detailed action plan of how to implement the desired integration in the fastest and most effective way.
PMO effort evaluation and redesign. MCG will evaluate the Post-Merger program achievements, select areas where the progress is behind or ahead of the schedule, and recommend actions (1) to balance PMO efforts across all business functions, (2) to prioritize plans and select areas for management attention, (3) to redeploy PMO efforts on most important Company’s needs, while postponing or even cancelling non-essential initiatives.