Investments and Project Valuation
Investments valuation is probably the most subjective area of corporate finance. Underlying assumptions behind FCF model could differ significantly, and synergies could be valued as feelings rather than solid reasons. Thus, a good valuation process always means a whole set of good questions asked and answered. The MCG leadership has very strong experience in structuring and valuing projects and assets in various industries.
We work with clients on:
Investments valuation for particular project. Working closely with decision makers, MCG is ready to develop a robust financial model with a clear set of assumptions, assess risks, and opportunities; run sensitivity analysis; and explore synergies with the existing projects within portfolio. As a result, the Client would be able to make thoughtful decision and clearly see all pros and cons for undertaking the project/ asset in question.
Investments valuation and decision making business process development / improvement. For some companies, investments projects valuation is a routine activity (e.g. PE funds, companies undergoing M&A growth). MCG is ready to run diagnostics on your current investment valuation business process, benchmark it to your competitors and best practices, and come up with an action plan to take the investment valuation process to next development level.